Monday, July 29, 2013

how lucky i am

Milo awaiting surgery.

Milo's polka dot bandage.

Milo recovering.

Saturday we came home from dinner to only two dogs greeting us at the door. Our 13 year old rat terrier, Milo, wasn't there wagging his stub. He was in the laundry room. Not completely out of the norm. It was later that evening when he came around the corner into the living room swaying back and forth and then completely collapsing we knew something was wrong. 

I can't sing our vet, Dr. Shelton's, praises enough. I left him a message Sunday morning and in an hour he returned my call. After going through a couple of vital signs over the phone we determined it would be best to bring him in Monday morning. We did just that.

The x-ray and ultrasound deemed a large mass in his spleen. We had two options: bring him home and let him continue on as he was, knowing that the next episode he may not wake up from or have surgery. With surgery we had to be prepared that there was the chance they'd discover cancer had spread in his body and at that point it was best to not let him wake up. We went with a fighting chance, surgery. Dr. Shelton and his staff were so compassionate. They gave us a blanket and let us camp out on the floor with Milo until we were ready to send him back. Hardest part was not knowing if we were saying goodbye for a short while or forever. Luckily we got to see our little guy again. They removed the tumor and his spleen. He's awake from surgery and recovering. We hope to be able to bring him home tomorrow. 

Unfortunately, the next step is sending off the tumor and finding out if it's cancerous or not. If it's cancerous we're told he has about 3-4 months. I pray it's not, but if it is at least we get to spend the next several months pampering our beloved pooch. 

*images courtesy of my iPhone and

Friday, July 26, 2013

good morning beautiful

I say this to Abigail every morning. She's having a slumber party with Nana and Gramps tonight. I still cry anytime I say goodbye to her, even if it's for less than 24 hours. She's my baby. I'm excited though for a night with just my husband and to hopefully being able to sleep in tomorrow morning. Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

learning to sail

*images courtesy of 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

play date

My miracle took 28 hours, who by the way had her first play date today - think she will sleep good tonight. It was actually my husband who arranged it - what a wonderful father he is.

Friday, July 19, 2013

pink and gold

This wedding so reminds me of my sister. I hope she can look past just doing white and have some fun with it. Found the emerald and pink wedding idea on my new favorite blog Ruffled - they have the best DIY projects. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


 Can I say it...I'm just worn out. Wish I could escape to this wonderful little retreat - glamping at its best.

*images courtesy of

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

with great love

I have such a wonderful husband and Abigail has such a wonderful father. He has stayed up with me the last couple of nights helping me with my endless ideas for Abigail's Birthday party. I'm a little bit of a control freak (ok a lot of one) and it's hard to relinquish, but as much fun as we've had together, it far outweighs the ever so slight imperfection.

*images courtesy of and Deidre Lynn Photography

Sunday, July 14, 2013

enjoy today

Even though Abigail was sound asleep I just had to take her out of her crib to hold her and rock her for a moment. Hard to believe in a couple of days she'll be 11 months old, only a month away from being one. Check your mailboxes this week for her birthday invitation, what a summer soiree it will be.

*images courtesy of

Abigail had so much fun driving around Whole Food today. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

do all things with love

I have to say how lucky I am to have two of the most amazing grandparents - my granny and papa. We've always had a special bond, which I'm constantly reminded of. Just the other night they were over helping me punch out confetti for Abigail's birthday party invitations. I got such a kick out of my papa having so much fun with it. We have dinner together at least once a week, but it's usually two or three nights a week. We're always laughing together. It's even more special that Jonathan is just as attached to them as I am. They hold and will forever hold a special place in my heart that can never be replaced.

*images courtesy of

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hope your 4th was spectacular, ours certainly was. Aside from it being Abigail's first 4th of July (her last first holiday, sigh) my little sister got engaged to the love of her life. I've never seen her so happy. I hope she remembers how happy she was that day for all the years to come. Marriage is such a blessing. I still fall for Jonathan everyday.

*images courtesy of

Monday, July 1, 2013

southern peach

Savannah at Sunset

Water Taxi.

Abigail on her first boat ride.

The Savannah River.

The Talmadge Memorial Bridge.

Wilson Village at Palmetto Bluff.

Wilson Village's corner cafe - Buffalo's.

Abigail found a few friends along the way.

The Chapel at Palmetto Bluff.

The Inn at Palmetto Bluff.

The dock and cottages at Palmetto Bluff.

The May River.

Picturesque view of the May River.

The Paris Market & Brocante in Savannah.

One Fish Two Fish in Savannah.

Tuckered out from her first girls' trip.
Home from yet another wonderful vacation. We took a girls trip to Savannah, Georgia. Once we found the right area it was everything I had always envisioned from reading Mary Kay Andrew's novels. The parks, the trees covered with moss, the Savannah breeze at night, the charming houses, southern cooking and all the great little shops. The Paris Market & Brocante is a must. Avoid shopping along the river unless you like cheap, tacky souvenirs and bars.

The first night we stayed at the Westin on the Savannah Harbor. Great resort and very family friendly with lots to do onsite. The second and third night we stayed at the Mansion on Forsyth Park. A luxury hotel more suited towards a romantic getaway.

The second day my mom took us to the most amazing place I've ever been, Palmetto Bluff. Sigh. I couldn't get back there fast enough. The scenery was beautiful, the food impeccable - m&m cupcake at Buffalo's is to die for. Every detail impressive. I hope my sister can convince our dad for her to be married there, it would be immaculate. Plus, I'd be guaranteed a trip back next year. : )

The third day we went to Hilton Head. Utterly disappointed. The ocean, yuck! When you're use to turquoise waters and white sands it's hard to expect anything less. Back to Palmetto Bluff we went. This time discovering the tennis courts, stables, RT's Market and once again in total awe of every surrounding. We were in downtown Savannah by early evening. Strolled the beautiful streets and parks. Had a delicious dinner at 700 Drayton Restaurant. Another great day.

On the fourth day we explored more of downtown, did a little shopping and flew home that afternoon. I got to fly first class for the first time. Never knew what I was missing - hot towels, endless booze, good food, friendly flight attendants - how will I ever go back to coach!?

You already know I think I have the best mom in the world, but I'm so thankful for her love of travel and that she still takes her grown up kids along with her for the adventure. Can't wait for the next one.

(And I came home to my hubby asking me a question I wasn't quite expecting...just yet).

*images courtesy of me and my iPhone