Rachel, aka Sunshine, lives in Dallas, is married to the Love of my Life Jonathan, has three fur babies Macy, Milo and Marley, works as an Art Director, visits Rosemary Beach every summer, believes anything can be cured with a Tart’s Cupcake and Champagne, loves Kate Spade and Peonies, reads anything Sophie Kinsella writes, spends most Saturdays trying to find that perfect something for the house, cherishes her family and friends, has a bucket list a mile long, hopes to run a creative business one day, thinks love is in the details and aspires to be like the most exquisite woman she knows, her mom.
*image courtesy of http://matchbookmag.tumblr.com/archive/2011/3
Absolutely NOT shocked that you did this as you are so amazingly talented! And of course with so much free time on your hands, I'm sure it was a breeze! Ha. I love you sweetie now get on down here and help me with MY decorating - please? Aunt Cj
Thank you, you made me cry. You are a remarkable women in your own right.Can't wait to see all the wonderful things you find to put on your blog! Love you, Mom
Oh, and i'm going to need that dress. can you get it for me? Surely it's from Penneys
This is very nicely done and an amazing way to express your thoughts and creativity! I look forward to reading your posts... Joann
Love it! So Rachel!
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