Since we moved into our house 4.5 years ago our upstairs game room has been in constant motion, the catch all for miscellaneous items and furniture. It's the one room I haven't touched, because I knew one day it would be our kid's playroom. Two hours and two hundred dollars later at IKEA I finally got the inspiration I needed, which is funny, because IKEA has never sparked my creativity. I couldn't be more thrilled though with how the playroom is turning out. Here's a sneak peak of the start to Abigail's whimsical and enchanted play land (please excuse the horrendous lighting).
Lamp, rug, and a second art/book shelf to come. Plus, more seating - a colorful, small sleeper sofa (or a big cozy chair) to go next to the bear and alligator. And as much as I love having a fan I think a fun light fixture will make its way as well.
*images courtesy of and me & my iPhone