Sunday, September 29, 2013

project play room

Since we moved into our house 4.5 years ago our upstairs game room has been in constant motion, the catch all for miscellaneous items and furniture. It's the one room I haven't touched, because I knew one day it would be our kid's playroom. Two hours and two hundred dollars later at IKEA I finally got the inspiration I needed, which is funny, because IKEA has never sparked my creativity. I couldn't be more thrilled though with how the playroom is turning out. Here's a sneak peak of the start to Abigail's whimsical and enchanted play land (please excuse the horrendous lighting).

Lamp, rug, and a second art/book shelf to come. Plus, more seating - a colorful, small sleeper sofa (or a big cozy chair) to go next to the bear and alligator. And as much as I love having a fan I think a fun light fixture will make its way as well.

*images courtesy of and me & my iPhone


Ellen said...

Looks fantastic! I can't wait for you sickies to get better so I can come play with Abigail in her new room.

Joann said...

I love Abigail's play room! Rachel you did a wonderful job decorating it with your fantastic artistic and creative abilities. I'm sure Abigail will enjoy her new play room.

Cj said...

I want to come play too. It looks so fun and cheery! Love ya'll!

Unknown said...

I love it!!! You can make anything so perfect and pretty, even crazy Ikea stuff!! Abigail looks so happy, she has the best mom :)


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