Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Ok, yes, so its been awhile. I've spent the last six months traveling, raising a toddler, going away with my husband, being a room parent (Abigail started preschool in the fall), volunteering, baking for our church's different ministries, styling photo-shoots, designing, working for my dad, moving my parents from the home we grow up in (I'm so happy to have them close by, it's the best) and so much more in between.

I've seen so much beauty in this amazing world we live in. I need to share my travels, because I think the harder it is to get to a place the more beautiful it is. We visited Chicago (several times), Bay Harbor, Seattle, Vancouver Island, Victoria, Vancouver, Whistler, Napa (yes, my amazing husband pulled the surprise of a lifetime off for our anniversary and whisked me away to my dream destination - it was everything I had hoped for and more), Disney World and ended the year with Charleston. I wish I could afford to travel all the time. I opened my Wisteria catalog to flip through last night and I read the introduction spread - he found the words I couldn't to describe how I feel about exploring this wonderful world we live in. We have a few trips already planned for the year: Washington DC, Rosemary Beach (of course) and Chicago/Bay Harbor (we had so much fun last year we had to do it again). I want so badly to go to Europe, but promised my husband we would save more in 2015 and finish the projects we want done around our house. One day I'll get there.

There's one another little project we've been working on this last year. Trying to have no. 2. It's not easy to talk about. At first, it was just if it happens, it happens. Months go by. Nothing (remember I got pregnant both times we tried and even though the first time was classified as a chemical pregnancy I still got pregnant). I mention it to my OB and she says lets just make sure your thyroid isn't out whack. Nope, it's fine. Keep trying. Few more months go by. Nothing. Have a couple more tests done. Everything's normal. Ok, lets check Jonathan. He's a champion. Keep Trying. Nothing. Ok, lets check your fibroid and make sure it hasn't caused anything. Again, everything is normal. The if it happens, it happens motto is lost. It's not just wanting another baby to hold and love, it't wanting to give my daughter what I have - a brother and sister who I can count on no matter the circumstance, they're more than a best friend, you have this bond that no other person can have, because you've known each other your whole life. Had more tests done after the holiday. Finally, something that might explain it. I'm not ovulating every month and I don't have enough progesterone. There's still hope. Just one more test to make sure it's safe for me to take a medicine that will make me ovulate. Done. Started taking the medicine and have encountered a few side effects, so now I have to go in Thursday to make sure it's not a sign that multiple eggs have formed. Ugh. I just want to pull my hair out. It was so easy the first time. I'm so conflicted. I have so many what if's in my head. As I was just typing my Pandora played Nat King Cole's Smile. Just what I need to hear - perfect timing. Prayers and support is all I need.

*images courtesy of http://www.pinterest.com/rachelyanez/baby-its-cold-outside/


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