Monday, April 15, 2013

i love you

Is it really April 15th? This year is just flying by and to think Abigail will be eight months old in two days...I just can't  believe it. We even received an invitation this weekend to her NICU reunion. I still remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. So scared that nobody could tell me if my baby girl was going to be ok and fast forward eight months later she's amazing - in the 55th percentile, starting to crawl, laughing, smiling, sitting, playing and eating solids. Discovered she's quite the little fish too when we started swim lessons two weeks ago - she loves being in the water. Still waiting on that first tooth though.

If I was honest I've probably been thinking about her first birthday since before she even arrived, but now I'm starting to gather inspiration for what I hope to be a whimsical day filled with love, laughter and fun. These are just a few of my pins.

*images courtesy of


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