Monday, June 24, 2013

motherhood is not for sissies

Motherhood is not for sissies, a little gem my sister actually stumbled upon at the Hidden Lantern in Rosemary Beach. I couldn't leave the store with out it. The perfect sayings paired with the perfect images.  A book every mom needs. One of my favorite quotes is "all mothers are working mothers." Isn't that the truth. Motherhood is the hardest job. There aren't reviews, there aren't raises, you can't get a promotion and you most certainly can't take a vacation day, sick day or personal day from it - you are on the clock 24/7. So for moms like me who had careers and now for some reason when get asked what you do for living, feel in inadequate and say I'm just a mom (JUST a mom), must stop.

"Babies don't come with directions on the back or batteries that can be removed. Motherhood is twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You can't leave the office." - Patricia Schroeder

*images courtesy of


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