Saturday, May 18, 2013

their dreams

This time next week we will be in Rhode Island. I'm excited for our upcoming trip, but have already started having anxiety about flying with Abigail for the first time. Can't believe she turned nine months old yesterday. Nine months old! The scarier thought is she's only three months away from being one. She amazes me everyday. Watching her grow brings so much joy.

Today is Abigail's NICU reunion. Seems like it was yesterday. I'd spend all day up there, then Jonathan would meet me after work and we'd take turns holding her or staring at her in her incubator. We'd stay up there all night. Then come home sleep for a couple of hours and head back to the hospital. I'm not sure anything can prepare you for having to be separated from your first child. It's tough, but you do get through it and I think it really makes your appreciate every second that she's home, happy and healthy.

*images courtesy of


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